Understanding The Prophet's Life
From Issue: 966 [Read full issue]
Human Affairs
"You know best the affairs of your lives in this world." [Muslim]
The affairs of this world are in the hands of human beings, believers and unbelievers. The Prophets were not sent to teach people professions, crafts or methods of agriculture, nor were they sent as architects, engineers or bridge designers. They were not sent as stomach or eye doctors. The core of their Message is to elucidate what people should believe, their acts of worship, morality, and how to purify the self and society. They convey the teachings which govern people's relationship with their Lord and their relationship with one another and prepare them for the return to Allah as pious and godfearing servants. There are many arenas in this world such as freedom of movement, invention and competition. They are the arenas of the means which must exist to achieve confirmed religious ends. The Lawgiver left it up to the believers as to how to achieve them and did not mention any specific rulings concerning them.
Compiled From:
"The Sunna of the Prophet" - Muhammad al-Ghazali