
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 970 [Read full issue]


The Prophet (peace be upon him) spent much time in worship. He would spend long hours of the night in prayer and supplication. However, he always made things easy for his Companions and followers. He was keen not to give them tasks that they would find too arduous. The Prophet wanted to ensure that his Companions and his followers in future generations would not overtax themselves in trying to be devout, and so he would often point out concessions. He made sure that people would act upon these. He tells us: "God loves that the concessions He grants are exercised in the same way as the tasks that require hard effort be attended to." [Tabarani]

People, however, tend to make things harder for themselves. They often belittle their good actions and think that they need to do more. Aisha reports: "The Prophet did something, pointing out that it was a concession given to people. Some, however, refrained from doing it. This was reported to the Prophet. He addressed the people, starting by praising God. He said: 'What is the matter with some people? They refrain from doing what I do. By God, I am the one who knows God best and the one who is most God-fearing.'" (Bukhari, Muslim)

The Prophet makes it clear that even the most strenuous effort in worship and good deeds will not be sufficient for anyone to ensure their admittance into heaven. This is due to the fact that God has given us enormous blessings. Were we to spend all our time in prayer and devotion, we could still not thank God enough for what He has given us. Instead, it requires an act of God's grace, which He is certain to give for everyone who is sincere in faith. Aisha quotes the Prophet as saying: "Do the right things in moderation and rejoice. No action will be sufficient for anyone to enter heaven." People asked: "Not even you, Messenger of God?" He said: "Not even me, unless God will grant me His forgiveness and grace." (Bukhari and Muslim)

Compiled From:
"Muhammad: His Character and Conduct" - Adil Salahi