
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 972 [Read full issue]


People often yield to temptation when position, wealth, power, sex and the like are on offer. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was offered all these more than once. For example, Utbah ibn Rabiah was the chief of the Abd Shams clan of the Quraysh, and was highly respected by all people in Arabia. He was on the moderate side of the Quraysh. He did not like the polarization that was taking place between the new Muslims and the rest of the people of Makkah. One day he saw the Prophet worshipping at the Kabah. He spoke to him, hoping to reach some understanding with him. He addressed him in a very gentle manner, highlighting the problem before making him the following offers: "My nephew, if you have started this affair hoping to make money out of it, we are all willing to give you some of our own wealth so that you would be the richest among us. If it is honour and position you want, we will make you our master and seek your advice in all matters. If it is a throne you are after, we will make you our king. If, on the other hand, you are possessed and are unable to resist what overwhelms you, we will spare no expense in seeking a medical cure for you."

The Prophet's reply consisted of reciting to Utbah the first 38 verses of Surah 41 of the Quran, and Utbah listened attentively. When the Prophet finished his recitation, the Prophet prostrated himself in humble devotion to God, before saying to Utbah: "You have heard what I have to say and you can make up your own mind." [Ibn Hisham] That recitation explained to Utbah the basic principles of Islam, coupled with God's warning of severe punishment for those who reject His faith. Utbah realized that the Prophet would agree to no compromise. He, therefore, went back to his people and suggested to them that they should leave Muhammad alone, and let him carry his message wherever he wanted. He reasoned that if Muhammad achieved honour and power, they would benefit by that; if others killed him, then the Quraysh would have been spared the need to do that themselves.

The offer included everything people covet and often fall for. Sometimes the temptation is too strong that resistance requires great strength that can only be supplied by a strong belief in one's principles. The process of hesitation between the temptation and resistance is often referred to in Islamic terminology as listening to one's own Satan. The Prophet mentioned this to his Companions. In explanation, he told them that everyone had their own Satan tempting them to commit different sins. They asked him whether he also had a Satan doing the same. He said: "Yes, I have; but God has helped me against him and now he only tells me what is good." [Muslim]

Compiled From:
"Muhammad: His Character and Conduct" - Adil Salahi