
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 974 [Read full issue]

Care for Children

The Prophet's (peace be upon him) care for young children did not stop with boys who were close to him. Indeed he cared for all children, although those who were related to him enjoyed his love in a very noticeable way. Abu Qatadah al-Sulami reports: "The Prophet prayed carrying Umamah bint Zaynab, his granddaughter. When he was standing he carried her, but when he prostrated himself, he put her on the floor." (Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawud and al-Nasai.)

Another version of this hadith quotes Abu Qatadah as saying: "I saw the Prophet leading a congregational prayer while carrying on his shoulder Umamah bint Abi al-As, whose mother was his daughter Zaynab. When he bowed in ruku, he put her on the floor, and when he arose from prostration, he carried her." (Muslim)

This highly authentic hadith shows that the Prophet also cared for girls, as much as he cared for boys. Umamah was his granddaughter, and he did not only show that he loved her, but he also carried her as he was leading an obligatory congregational prayer. This he did in a society where until recently people received the birth of a girl with too much gloom and often buried little girls alive for fear of poverty. Yet the Prophet demonstrated his love of the girl in the best way, carrying her while he was leading the prayer. Even today, many people would frown if it is suggested to them that they could carry a child while praying. They would object even more strongly if the child was a girl. Some people would even suggest that carrying a boy in prayer is permissible, but not a girl. In fact, the Prophet did this to demonstrate the opposite, because Islam does not differentiate between girls and boys. All children have equal rights that must be fulfilled by their parents, families and the Muslim community.

Compiled From:
"Muhammad: His Character and Conduct" - Adil Salahi