
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 978 [Read full issue]

Stimulate Charity

Because human greed is a major obstacle to the abundance of these acts, the Shariah has taken special care to encourage people and stimulate their interest in gifts and donations by classifying them as acts whose reward for the donor does not cease even after death. Thus, it is reported in an authentic Tradition: "When a man dies, his acts come to an end, except three, recurring charity, or knowledge [by which people] benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him [i.e. for the deceased]." [Muslim]

During the Prophet's time, there were numerous cases of repeated charity (sadaqa jariya) and endowments (awqaf) that were made by either him or his Companions. Mention can be made here of Uthman ibn Affan's charity which he made when he heard the Prophet saying: "Who will buy the well of Rumah [a famous well in Medina] and endow it for the general welfare of the people so that he may use it like the other Muslims without any privilege," Uthman bought it and endowed it for the welfare of all Muslims.[Bukhari]

Compiled From:
"Maqasid Al-Shariah" - Ibn Ashur, pp. 309, 310