
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 980 [Read full issue]

Danger of Praise

While journeying to God we will be put to many tests. One of those tests pertains to people's praise for what they assume about us. People's praise is a serious danger. A man praised another greatly before the Prophet. The Prophet said, "Woe to you! You have cut the neck of your friend." The Prophet repeated this sentence many times and said: "If you have to praise someone, then you should say, 'I think that he is so-and-so,' if he really thinks that he is such. God is the One who will take his accounts, as He knows his reality and no one can sanctify anyone before God." [Bukhari]

In another tradition, the Prophet said: "When you see those who shower praise upon others, throw dust upon their faces."[Muslim]

People's praise may change one's intentions from pleasing God to pleasing people, earning their praise, or avoiding their criticism. It also discourages one from doing additional good deeds, if he really believes that he is perfect and has done great actions. Another negative aspect of praise is that it makes one overlook his flaws and, instead, look at his merits.

People praise based on assumptions and what they know from the external things they see. But we know ourselves and our flaws better than others do. When you are highly praised by people, you should turn within and hold yourself accountable for the flaws you know. This will make you pray to God to forgive your sins and help you mend your flaws.

Compiled From:
"A Journey to God: Reflections on the Hikam of Ibn Ataillah" - Jasser Auda