
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 981 [Read full issue]

Dealing with Impurity

Young children might cause certain accidents, which may upset those who are holding them, because Islam places a very strong emphasis on purification. A highly authentic hadith, reported by Umm Qays ibn Mihsan, mentions that she brought her young boy who had not yet eaten any food [other than breast milk] to the Prophet (peace be upon him). The Prophet sat the child on his lap, but the boy urinated and his urine wet the Prophet's clothes. The Prophet called for some water to be brought in. He sprayed the water over the place but did not wash his robe. (Related in all six authentic collections as well as Malik, Ahmad, al-Darimi and others.)

This hadith shows that the Prophet dealt with the matter of the child's urine in a very relaxed way, teaching his followers that this is nothing to become upset with or angry about in these situations. He thus showed us how to deal with the impurity, making clear that this is of the lesser type. Hence, it is sufficient to spray some water over the stained area to purify the clothes. This is true for young children, who have not eaten normal food.

Such accidents occurred more than once. One of the Prophet's Companions mentions that he was with the Prophet when Muhammad (peace be upon him) had placed one of his grandsons, either al-Hasan or al-Husayn, in his lap: The boy urinated and I could see the urine running over the Prophet's waist. We jumped to stop him, but the Prophet said: "Leave my grandson; do not scare him." He called for some water and he poured it over the urine. (Related by Ahmad.) Those who were with the Prophet only thought of him, and were therefore concerned that the impurity of the urine should be stopped and cleaned. The Prophet, however, thought firstly of the child, telling his Companions to leave him alone.

Compiled From:
"Muhammad: His Character and Conduct" - Adil Salahi