
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 983 [Read full issue]

Not a King

Meeting someone in authority may not be easy for some people, particularly those who are conscious of their weakness in society. The Prophet (peace be upon him) wanted to ensure that no one should feel apprehensive when meeting him. Although his position as God's Messenger was far more important than that of any king or head of state, he kept a cheerful disposition, so that anyone speaking to him could put their case clearly. Nevertheless, some people did not feel easy when speaking to him, and he tried hard to reassure them. Abu Masud al-Badri reports that a man was shaking hard when he spoke to the Prophet. The Prophet said to him: "Easy, easy! I am not a king. I am the son of a woman who used to eat dried and salted meat." (Ibn Majah and al-Hakim.) The Prophet gave the frightened man a graphic picture of the Prophet's own mother as an ordinary poor person who had to rely on the simplest type of food for her living. (People who could not afford meat all the time used to preserve what they could have by drying and salting it.)

Compiled From:
"Muhammad: His Character and Conduct" - Adil Salahi