
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 985 [Read full issue]

Diffusion of Sunna

1. Establishment of Schools

'Schools' were established by the Prophet (peace be upon him) in Madina very soon after his arrival. His general policy was to send teachers and preachers to different areas outside of Madina. For examples, delegates were sent to Adhal and Qara in 3 A.H., to Bir Mauna in 4 A.H., to Najran and to Yemen and Hadramaut in 9 A.H.

2. The Prophet's Directions about Diffusion of Knowledge

The Prophet says: "Pass on knowledge from me even if it is only one verse" [Bukhari]. The same emphasis is noticeable in his oration at the farewell Hajj where the Prophet said: "Those who are present (here) should convey the message to those who are absent." [Bukhari]. It was, therefore, a common practice among Companions to tell absentees about the Prophet's deeds and sayings.

3. Creation of incentive for teachers and students

The Prophet not only gave directions to educate the people but also mentioned great rewards for teachers and students. He stated that learning and the pursuit of knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim [Ibn Majah] and one who conceals knowledge is liable to go to Hell [Musnad].

Compiled From:
"Studies in Hadith Methodology and Literature" - Mustafa Azami, pp. 10, 11