
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 988 [Read full issue]

Accepting Invitation

The Prophet (peace be upon him) accepted invitations from anyone who offered to share a meal with him, even if the food was very poor. Abu Hurayrah quotes him as saying: "If I am invited to a meal of just the end of a leg I will accept, and if the end of a shoulder is sent me as a gift I will accept." (Bukhari.)

This acceptance was not limited to Muslims only, as Anas reports that "a Jew invited the Prophet to a meal consisting of barley bread and slightly rotting fat. He accepted." (Ibn Saad.) His Companions realized that the Prophet had an easy nature. One of them tells us: "The Prophet had qualities that were totally different from those of people who wielded power. He accepted the invitation of any person." (Ibn Saad.)

Compiled From:
"Muhammad: His Character and Conduct" - Adil Salahi