
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 1005 [Read full issue]

Burden of Atonement

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "By Allah, I seek forgiveness from Allah and I repent to him more than seventy times in a day." [Bukhari]

Be quick in seeking forgiveness. Spread out your hands towards Allah to seek His forgiveness as soon as you have sinned. The stains on your heart shall have been wiped away and it will shine brightly. The darkness shall recede and there will be light. The faith that shall have gone away from you shall return. Do not ever delay this.

Recite istighfar frequently. The Prophet, blessings and peace be upon him, recited it more than 70 times every day. Do not let the frequent repetition of your sins keep you away from seeking pardon. Sinning repeatedly and then seeking forgiveness just as frequently does not come within the definition of a state of deliberate insistence upon sin. It is sinning with impunity and then not attempting to seek forgiveness, and attempting to explain your sins away that comes within that meaning of insistence on sinning.

Shed your tears after every sin. Do not shy away from this. Self-impose a burden of atonement whenever you sin, such as giving away something as sadaqah (alms); forgiving someone for any wrong he may have done you, or a certain number of rakat of Prayer. Hasten in repenting and seeking forgiveness. Do not relent in this. The door for seeking forgiveness is open at all times but the best time of all is the early hours of dawn before Fajr. Even if Allah enables you to devote just a few moments, do so. Place your forehead on the prayer mat and seek forgiveness with flowing tears.

If you have sinned with regard to the rights of others, then together with repentance and seeking forgiveness, it is also essential to ask for the pardon of those concerned and to make up for the damages. Recitation of istighfar will open the door to that forgiveness which is essential for entry into heaven. Not only that, this will lead to other blessings as well - material prosperity, relief from difficulties, and a feeling of ease even in adversity.

Compiled From:
"Dying and Living for Allah" - Khurram Murad