
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 579 [Read full issue]

Discerning Own Faults

God's Messenger, peace be upon him, declares: "You are governed how you are (according to your beliefs and lifestyle.)" [Hindi, Kanz al-Ummal, 6:89]

This hadith expresses a principle of public and political administration: A country's political structure is shaped according to its people's tendencies, whether directly through democracy or indirectly through other ways. Both the natural and the social sciences have their own laws, which we call "God's creational and operations laws of the universe." According to these laws, if people immerse themselves in sin and evil, they inevitably will be ruled by evil people. If, by contrast, they prefer a virtuous life, their government will be good.

The hadith stresses that laws have no sanction on their own; rather, their authority depends on those who apply them. Therefore, the character of government officials is of vital importance. The ruling elites are like the cream rising to the surface of a liquid: milk has its own kind of cream, as do lime and alum. When Hajjaj, a despotic commander, was reminded of Umar's justice, he replied: "If you were like Umar's people, I would be like Umar."

The hadith also tells us to develop self-control and discern our own faults. Social harmony cannot be established if people tend to blame others.

Compiled From:
"The Messenger of God: Muhammad" - Fethullah Gulen, pp. 102,103