
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 1018 [Read full issue]

Wisdom in Poetry

Ubay ibn Kab reports that the Prophet said: "Some poetry is pure wisdom". [Bukhari]

This short hadith states what people have always known about fine poetry, but expresses it in the clearest way. Furthermore, it distinctly implies a directive to anyone with fine poetic gifts to use such talent in an appropriate manner. All people praise wisdom and esteem a wise person. Therefore, when a poet expresses wisdom in poetry, people are bound to appreciate the meaning and put it into practice. This helps to improve values in society. Indeed, many a poet has influenced practical behaviour in communities and encouraged it to aspire to a higher standard of values. It is this type of help the Prophet is implying in this hadith.

Muslim poets have also devoted much of their poetry to God's praises and to pointing out the Prophet's fine character. Al-Aswad ibn Suray reports: "I said: 'Messenger of God, I have praised my Lord, the Mighty and Exalted, in some poems of mine'. He said: 'Your Lord loves to be praised'. He did not say anything more." [Ahmad, Nasai]

We all know that glorifying and praising God is one of the acts of worship Islam recommends. The Prophet also clarified that God gains nothing by our glorification or worship. It is we who benefit by it, because such praise gives us a clear sense that whatever blessing we have and enjoy is granted us by God. It is not the result of our own endeavour. It is what God bestows on us of His grace. God has also promised us that He will give us an increase of His blessings if we show gratitude to Him for what He has given us.

In Islam, poets can have a very prominent role. We know about Hassan ibn Thabit, who is often described as the Prophet's poet. Hassan was a fine poet and belonged to the Ansar. As Islam was fighting the onslaught of the unbelievers who tried hard to suppress its message, the information battle was no less important than the military fight. Unbelieving poets were engaged in a determined attack on the Prophet and his companions. Poetry played the same role the media plays in our modern times. It travelled easily in Arabia and was appreciated by all Arabs. Hence, it was necessary for Muslim poets to rise to the occasion and defend Islam in poetry to reply to the abuse of pagan poets.

Compiled From:
"Al-Adab al-Mufrad with Full Commentary: A Perfect Code of Manners and Morality" - Adil Salahi