
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 596 [Read full issue]

Meeting Allah

Narrated by Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "The one who fasts has two satisfactions. One is when he breaks his fast at the end of the day. The other is when he meets his Lord." [Muslim]

The first satisfaction of the one who fasts is the pleasure of eating after a day of fasting. There are those whose fast continues even after they have eaten. These are the ones who keep their senses and their thoughts free of evil and their hands and their tongues from hurting others. It is for them the second and more rewarding satisfaction of meeting the Lord. There is nothing worthy to wish for, there is no other goal, no other beloved in this world and in the hereafter, except God. If an atom of anything other than the love of God enters the heart, the fast of truth, the true fast, is broken. Then one has to make it up, to revive that wish and intention, to return back to His love, here and in the hereafter, for God says, "Prescribed fasting is only for Me, and only I give its reward." [Bukhari, Muslim]

Compiled From:
"On Spiritual Fasting" - Abdul Qadir Gilani