
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 618 [Read full issue]

Moment of Misfortune

Both Bukhari and Muslim relate that God's Messenger, peace be upon him, said: "Patience is shown at the moment of misfortune."

Patience is a key to success and triumph. It means to accept pain, trouble, misfortune, and similar unpleasant facts without complaint, or loss of self-control, trust, or belief in God and Destiny.

There are several kinds of patience:

  • Determination to avoid sins. This elevates one to the rank of the God-fearing, whom God takes into His care.

  • Constant and regular worship of God. This causes one to acquire the rank of being a beloved of God.

  • Acceptance of misfortune without complaint. This causes one to be included among the people of patience and those who put their trust in God.

  • Dealing with exasperation. This means having a realistic understanding of what is required to achieve a specific result. For example, producing a loaf of bread requires that the field be cultivated, the crop harvested, the grain taken to a mill, and the dough shaped into loaves and baked in an oven.

Compiled From:
"The Messenger of God: Muhammad" - Fethullah Gulen, p. 106