
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 623 [Read full issue]


Khusamah (Argumentation), accompanied by a violation of the right of another and comprising discourteous and hostile speech, is undoubtedly reprehensible and must be avoided. The enormity of such argumentation is accentuated in the Hadith where the Prophet, peace be upon him, proclaims, "The most disliked of men before God Most High is one who is most stubborn during argumentation." [Tirmidhi]

This Hadith primarily applies to those who engage in disputes either in pursuit of falsehood, or over matters of which they have little knowledge. For example, the disputant may be a lawyer who has not studied a case, or has studied it and knows his side is in the wrong but still chooses to fight for it. Also included in this category are people who deliberately defend false views and beliefs in order to influence the feeble minded.

An individual who disputes on behalf of a good cause, and yet exceeds the limits of propriety by engaging in abusive language, is also blameworthy, although to a lesser degree than the one who argues in pursuit of falsehood.

"Freedom of Expression in Islam" - Mohammad Hashim Kamali, p. 153