
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 626 [Read full issue]

Good Deeds

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Make the orphan come close to you, and be nice to him, and wipe his head, and feed him from your food. That will cause your heart to be soft, and your needs to be fulfilled." [al-Tabarani]

Once Anas ibn Malik was asked by someone to make dua (prayer) for him. He replied, "Verily, dua is raised up to Allah by good deeds", indicating that the questioner should strive to do good deeds if he wants his dua to be answered. And Wahb ibn Munabbih said: "The example of the one who makes dua without doing any deeds is like the one who tries to shoot arrows without a bow."

So the person who wishes to have his dua responded to by Allah should increase the quantity and quality of the good deeds that he does.

Compiled From:
"Dua: The Weapon of the Believer"- Yasir Qadhi, pp. 151, 152