
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 1022 [Read full issue]

Prayer, Charity, Patience and The Quran

Abu-Malik, Al-Harith-Bin-Asim Al-Ashari, may God be pleased with him, said that God's Messenger, may God's peace and blessings be upon him and his father, said, "Salat is a light, almsgiving is a proof, patience is an illumination, and the Quran is a testament for you or against you." Reported by Muslim.

The statement of the Prophet, "Salat is a light," means that salat protects people from committing sin. It leads them away from evil and wrongful deeds and toward righteous and correct ones. Light is a source for enlightenment. Others said that it means that salat will be a source of light, on the day of resurrection, for those who offer salat. And others said that it means that salat will, on the day of resurrection, make the faces of those who offer salat shine. It also makes their faces bright in their lifetime, in contrast to those who do not offer salat. God knows best.

The author of Al-Tahrir said that "almsgiving is a proof" means that people rush to almsgiving the way they rush to a proof. When they are asked on the day of resurrection about how they spent their wealth, they point to their almsgiving and say, "we gave it to charity." Others said that almsgiving is a proof of one's faith. That's because hypocrites do not believe in almsgiving and therefore refuse to give alms. So giving alms is a proof of the strength of one's faith. God knows best.

The patience referred to here is the recommended patience of sharia, which is patience in obeying God, the Sublime, and refraining from what God has prohibited. It's also the patience sought during times of tribulation and difficulty. What's meant here is that patience is praiseworthy. It illuminates the way for people and leads them to the right path. Ibrahim Al-Khawas said that patience is the adherence to Quran and Sunna. Ibn-Ata said that patience is to deal with calamities with discipline. Abu Ali Al-Daqaq said that patience is to not oppose fate. Complaining because of misfortunes, however, doesn't prove the absence of patience. God knows best.

The statement "Quran is a testament for you or against you," means that if you read the Quran and obey its commands, you will benefit from it. Otherwise, it will be used to your disadvantage (and held as evidence against you on the day of resurrection.)

Compiled From:
"Ibn-Daqiq's Commentary on the Nawawi Forty Hadiths"