
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 639 [Read full issue]

Traveling Alone

Ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "A woman may not travel except a mahram is accompanying her." [Agreed Upon]

The reason for the prohibition is fear for the woman traveling alone without husband or mahram at a time when traveling was by camel or mule or donkey, and she was often crossing through desert or barren terrains empty of human settlements or living creatures. Even if, during this kind of journey, the woman did not suffer mischief to herself, she suffered it in her reputation.

But when the conditions change - as in our time - when travel is by airplane or train carrying a hundred or more passengers, then there is not much room to fear for a woman traveling alone. One does not consider this acting in opposition to the hadith. Rather, this position is confirmed by the hadith of Adi ibn Hatim, according to al-Bukhari: "[The time] is all but [here when] when a woman will leave from Hira heading for the House (i.e. the Kaba), [with] no husband accompanying her." This hadith comes in the context of praising the advent of Islam and the rising of its light, and as a token of its providing safety in the land. It demonstrates the permissibility of a woman traveling alone. Ibn Hazm proceeded in accordance with this view.

It is no surprise that we find some of the imams permitting the woman to do hajj without a mahram or husband accompanying her, if she was with trustworthy women, or in trusted company. That is how Aisha did the hajj and tawaf, as one of the 'mothers of the believers' during the rule of Umar. There was not with them a single mahram; rather, Uthman ibn Affan and Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf accompanied them. It is so reported in Sahih al-Bukhari.

Some people say: A single trustworthy woman is enough as a traveling companion. Others say: She may travel alone if the road is safe. The followers of the Shafii school have pronounced this view correct for travelling for hajj and umrah. Other Shafiis include any journey in this permission, not just for pilgrimage.

Compiled From:
"Approaching the Sunnah" - Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, p.129