
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 659 [Read full issue]


When the Prophet, peace be upon him, delivered his first sermon after arriving in Madinah, he instructed the Muslims as follows: "Introduce among yourselves the practice of Salam." On its importance the following hadith sheds more light: "You cannot enter Paradise unless you are believers. And this status you cannot achieve unless you have mutual love. Should I not identify for you something which would infuse mutual love among you? This is to spread greetings amongst you." (Mishkat)

While enumerating the obligations due to fellow Muslims the Prophet clarified that on meeting one another Muslims should say Salam. He urged Muslims to take the lead in offering greetings, stating: "The one initiating Salam is free from pride and arrogance." He also remarked: "Allah's mercy is on those who initiate Salam." (Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud)

The Prophet made a point of greeting others first whenever he passed by them. He would greet everyone, men, women or children. He pressed home the point thus: "When you meet your brethren, you should greet them. If you get separated by a tree or a wall, you should again greet as you come face to face again." (Abu Dawud) He exhorted his family members to initiate Salam. He told Anas: "O son, you should say Salam as you enter your house. It will bring blessings to you and your family members." (Tirmidhi)

Greetings can only enhance mutual love, provided they are performed with conscious effort. For greetings signify one's sincere wish for the other person's welfare. The same cannot, however, be said of the ritual Salam, as it is practised now, for it obviously does not contribute to love.

Compiled From:
"Inter Personal Relations" - Khurram Murad, pp. 42, 43