
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 671 [Read full issue]

A Way Made Easy

A special, distinguishing quality of the way of the Sunnah is its facility, its convenience and tolerance. Nothing exists in the life of the Prophet, peace be upon him, that hinders the people in their religious life, or oppresses them in their worldly life. Rather he says about himself: "Indeed I am a mercy sent [to you]." [Tirmidhi] He said: "Assuredly, God did not commission me for affliction, nor for bringing affliction to others; on the contrary, He commissioned me as an educator and as a means of ease for others." [Muslim]

He dispatched Abu Musa and Muadh to the Yemen with succinct, comprehensive instruction: "Urge ease, and do not urge hardship; offer good hope [lit. glad tidings], and do not provoke aversion; listen to one another, and do not provoke differences." [Bukhari, Muslim]

About his Messengership, he said: "Assuredly I have been commissioned [to impart] a tolerant true-religion." [Tabarani] He said: "O people! [what is incumbent] upon you is actions that you can bear. For surely God does not tire [cease to persevere] until you tire [cease to persevere]. [Bukhari, Muslim]

Compiled From:
"Approaching the Sunnah" - Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, pp. 8, 9