
Understanding The Prophet's Life


From Issue: 1052 [Read full issue]

Insulting Parents

Insult and slander may not be used even as a means of preventing wickedness. A person who attempts to prevent something munkar (evil) is only permitted to use, necessary, harsh words which are free of lies, insults, and abuse. It is only permitted to use words such as 'ignorant' (jahil), 'foolish' (ahmaq), or 'transgressor' (fasiq) for it is understood that every sinner tends to partake of these attributes.

The question may arise as to whether it is allowable to curse or insult a person, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, who is in fact notorious for criminal and evil behaviour. Moreover, might it not be permissible to curse and abuse sinners and profligates non-specifically i.e. in general, for their corruption? The answer to both of these queries is in the negative, precisely because insulting such persons may lead to reciprocal abuse. Similarly, according to a Hadith reported by both al-Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "One of the major sins a man can commit is to insult his parents." [This statement evoked a question from] the Companions [Who] asked, "Messenger of God! Does a man ever insult his own parents?" The Prophet replied "[Yes] when he insults another man's father or mother and this is reciprocated in turn."

Compiled From:
"Freedom of Expression in Islam" - Mohammad Hashim Kamali, p. 179