
Living The Quran


From Issue: 987 [Read full issue]

Al-Baqara (The Cow) Sura 2: Verse 90 (partial)

"Thus they have drawn on themselves Wrath upon Wrath, and a humiliating chastisement is the punishment of those who reject Faith."

One of the literal meanings of al-Ghadab is hardness. Hence a hard rock is called ghadabah and a deadly poisonous snake is called Ghadub. The other meaning is to be angry or enraged, thus, anger is called Ghadab and an angry person is referred to as Ghadban. Ghadab is a relative state and varies, for example, the hardness of a rock, the poison of a snake and the anger of a human being differ in their manifestations, but all possess a sinister quality. Allah is above the feelings and sensations that we experience; thus, we cannot really comprehend the quality of His Anger.

The word Ghadab signifies anger, displeasure and wrath. Those who incur Allah's Wrath are those who are deprived of His Favours and receive punishment. The causes that incur Allah's Wrath are deviations from the Path of Righteousness, after receiving Divine Guidance and favours, and people following their own base desires. It is important to know why this disease afflicts and prevents people from following the Way of Truth. One factor is their own inclinations, desires and self-interest and the other is the corrupt environment that surrounds them. These disrupt their relation with Divine Guidance, and thus they follow their own whims and desires. All corruption and deviation in din start from these diseases.

Compiled From:
"Treasures of the Qur'an: Surah al-Fatihah to Surah al-Mai'dah" - Abdur Rashid Siddiqui