
Living The Quran


From Issue: 991 [Read full issue]

Life-long Commitment
Al-e-Imran (The House of Imran) Sura 23: Verse 102

"O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam."

There is a world of difference between fearing Allah and fearing others. That is why we are commanded to fear Allah as He ought to be feared. Firstly, because no one else has any valid claim to obedience from humans as Allah alone has. Secondly, all the limits and laws stipulated by Allah and the punishment prescribed for their violation are only for the benefit of human beings in this life as well as in the life to come. Abiding by these laws does not benefit Allah. Only human beings gain and benefit from the faithful observance of these laws and commandments. Thirdly, Allah watches over human beings and He is well aware of whatever they do, even of the secret thoughts hidden in their breasts. Fourthly, there is none who can save revolting people from the grasp of Allah and from His punishment both in this life and in the hereafter: the guilty will be consigned to an abiding torment. Unless a person is fully aware of all these aspects, it is difficult to appreciate the real significance of fearing Allah, and indeed of fulfilling one's obligations towards Him. This is the basic error of those who are scared of others and, and as a result of this fear, turn their backs on Allah and His Shariah. They simply fail to realise the vast difference between the hostility of humans and the wrath of Allah.

Fearing Allah is not for a temporary phase or limited to a transient period. Rather, it is a life-long commitment and this is how one ought to live and die. It is a continuous struggle that begins with birth and ends only with one's last breath on earth. If its continuity breaks even towards the very end of one's life, one could lose everything. The wording of the verse indicates that this path is far from being smooth and easy. In this path, there are many ups and downs, twists and turns. A wayfarer treading this path is bound to face hardships, trials and temptations. At every turn, his enemies lie in ambush to rob him of his faith, to conspire and plot, to distract and deflect him from his goal. Greed and sometimes fear may assail him to block his way. Only those who successfully go through all these phases, facing all these temptations and hardships with fortitude and with undiminished faith in and commitment to Allah, are the ones who are sincere in their life-long commitment until the last moment of their lives on earth.

Compiled From:
"Pondering Over The Qur'an: Surah Ali Imran" - Amin Ahsan Islahi