
Living The Quran


From Issue: 508 [Read full issue]

Saba (Sheba)
Chapter 34: Verse 36

Wealth & Property
"Say: My Lord gives in abundance, or gives in scant measure, to whomever He wills; but most people do not understand."

The question of wealth and property, and how much someone has of the means of luxury and pleasure, is one that many people wonder. They are troubled when they see that the wicked, the corrupt and the perpetrators of evil have whatever they wish for of wealth and power, while those who are virtuous, good and honest are deprived of it all.

Some tend to think that God only gives in abundance to someone who enjoys a privileged position with Him. Others may even doubt whether goodness, honesty and virtue have any real value, since they often go hand in hand with poverty and deprivation. Therefore, the Quran separates the riches and luxuries of this world from the values which God approves of. It states that God grants sustenance in abundance or scant measure to whomever He wills, and this has nothing to do with Him being pleased or displeased with anyone.

A person's wealth, position or offspring in this life bear no indication of that person's standing with God. Such standing is determined on the basis of how people behave.

Compiled From:
"In The Shade of The Quran" - Sayyid Qutb, Vol. 14, p. 169-171