
Living The Quran


From Issue: 1041 [Read full issue]

Luqman (Luqman) Sura 31: Verse 12 (partial)

"And We gave Luqman wisdom."

Know that wisdom is correct activity or correct speech. Correct activity is to preserve the balance of interaction with self between fear and hope, with the people between tenderness and cajolery, and with the Real between awe and intimacy. Correct speech is that you do not mix levity with the mention of the Real, you preserve reverence, and you connect the end of every talk with its beginning. The wise man is he who puts everything in its own place, does each work as is worthy of that work, and ties each thing to its equal.

This wisdom comes forth from someone who renounces this world and perseveres in worship. Mustafa said, "When someone is a renunciant in this world, God will give wisdom a home in his heart and bring his tongue to speak with it."

Ali ibn Abi Talib said, "Vivify the hearts and seek for them the fine qualities of wisdom, for they become weary just as bodies become weary."

Husayn ibn Mansur said, "Wisdom is an arrow, and the hearts of the faithful are its targets. The shooter is God, so error is made nonexistent."

It has been said, "Wisdom is God-given knowledge." It has also been said, "It is the light that distinguishes between inspiration and Satanic disquiet."

It was said to one of them, "Whence is born this light in the heart?" He said, "From reflective thought and heedfulness, and these are bequeathed by sorrow and hunger."

Compiled From:
"Kashf al-Asrar wa Uddat al-Abrar" - Rashid al-Din Maybud,. p. 388