


From Issue: 101 [Read full issue]



"So either kill Joseph or cast him into some distant land so that your father's attention may become exclusively yours. And after so doing become righteous."

[Al-Quran- Sura Yusuf  12: 9]


This verse is part of the conversation Prophet Joseph's (Yusuf) brothers were having when they were plotting to get rid of him out of jeolousy. [For details on the whole incident read Sura Yusuf (12)]
  • This statement reflects the psychological make-up of those who, even when they vigorously pursue their desires, still make an effort to maintain some relationship with faith and righteousness.
  • Such people seem to have  a peculiar way of 'balancing' their responses to the demands of righteousness on the one hand, and of self-indulgence and selfishness on the other.
  • When they are under strong pressure from their lusts, they go ahead and commit an evil act, ignoring the demands of faith temporarily. However, as soon as they feel pangs of guilt, they try to assure conscience, thinking that what they had committed was merely a small act of sinning; that this sin was inevitable in order to achieve an important purpose.
  • They further assure their conscience that it will not be long before they repent and revert to their original righteousness. But how can one think of killing someone on one hand, and still feel he is righteous?
[Compiled from "Towards Understanding the Quran", by S. Abul Ala Maududi, vol. IV]
continued from issue # 99....
Have things been running the same way for years at your local Islamic center? You know, disorganized, or closed off, with a couple of people having the only say in all matters?
Many, many Masjids and Islamic centers lack management and organizational skills. They are run by an elite group of people who make all of the decisions without proper consultation with the community. They are also not held accountable for what they do or how the money coming into the Masjid or organization is spent. This doesn't mean that everything they are doing is wrong. But there needs to be a more transparent and open system that will benefit all Muslims in the community, the male and the female, the young and the old, the immigrant and the Muslim born in America, etc.
You can help start the process of change. This, of course, has to be done with plenty of wisdom and patience. But you and others will benefit from working to make your Islamic organization more open and accountable to the community.
To be continued in the next issue....
[Taken from www.SoundVision.com]
...And Allah will Love you!
The Prophet (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) said:
"Do not covet this world, and Allah will love you; do not covet what other people possess, and people will love you."
(Collected by Al-Bukhari)
[Lessons:This is what the Prophet (peace be upon him) said in reply to a Companion who requested the Prophet (pbuh) to tell him of some deeds which will make him earn the love of Allah, as well as that of other people. Unfortunately, today the only thing we worry about is: WHATELSE do our friends and neighbors have?! This Hadith, however, doesn't mean that we shouldn't enjoy the 'good things of this world'. Rather we should work hard for them because nothing good comes without genuine effort. The Prophet informed us that wealth can also serve to increase our Taqwa (Allah-Consciousness): 'What a good helper is wealth in maintaining God-Consciousness.'  (Kanzul-Ummal.) Thus, all the good things in life must be pursued, but not the love of this world. It is not the amount of money that you possess which matters in the eyes of Allah. Rather. He wants you to rid yourself of the LOVE for that money! If you earn $10 and give $5 in charity, this is much more precious in the sight of Allah than someone who earns $ 100,000 and gives $1,000. The first one has sacrificed half of his wealth and other one has given one-hundredth of what he has earned. Therefore, Sacrificing everything in Allah's way, is the true prescription for gaining Allah's love, as well the love of the people of this world- who can easily sense sincerity and unselfishness in such a person.]
Reflections on Tazkiya and Self-Development
Tazkiya- Your Personal Responsibility!
As you proceed on your journey along the new path, in your quest of the ultimate goal of Paradise, you will encounter difficulties and hardships. These may often seem insurmountable. Overcoming them may be made easier by a good early grasp of the following prerequisites of Tazkiya:
1- Tazkiya- Your Personal Responsibility:
You must accept that Tazkiya is a highly personal process and that it demands taking personal responsibility for carrying it forward. You can only see the results of Tazkiya through your own realization, your own personal efforts, and your own exertions. No one else can purify your heart or soul for you. No organization, no leader, and no teacher can replace your own responsibility. God says, "And no bearer of burdens shall be made to bear another's burden; and if one, weighed down by his load, calls upon (another) to help him carry it, nothing thereof may be carried (by that other), even if it be one's near of kin." [Sura Al-Fatir 35:18.]
This sense of personal responsibility is basic to the whole purpose and approach of Islam. Ultimately, we are judged individually for discharging our own responsibilities. Some people allow themselves to be dictated by others. The Quran states that the weak will say on the Day of Judgment that they were forced into following the dictates of others, but Allah will reply that the excuse is not legitimate because the decision to deviate from the Straight Path was their own. Even Shaytan (Satan) will not take the blame for trapping us into evil!
Taking charge of your own affairs may certainly seem a daunting task, but one which you will accomplish with distinction if you appreciate and take advantage of the human potential Allah has blessed you with.
To be continued in the next issue....
[Taken from "In the Early Hours" by Ustadh Khurram Murad (Rahimahullah), edited by Riza Mohammed]
[A book review of "In the Early Hours" is available at: http://www.youngmuslims.ca/bookreview/default.asp]