


From Issue: 104 [Read full issue]




"Those who give what they have given (i.e. charity) and whose hearts are filled with fear by the very idea that they shall return to their Lord. Such people are truly racing towards their own welfare and they are the first to reach them."

[Al-Quran- Sura Al-Muminun 23:61-62]


Unwavering Belief in the truth of the Hereafter:
  • This verse is describing the inner state of mind of the believers who are always conscious about the acceptance of their good deeds by Allah. They worry whether their charities are accepted or not. This concept of "fear" was the corner-stone that strengthened the sense of responsibility among the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
  • There was a deep certainty in their hearts that one Day they would have to rise and account for all the worldly deeds, small or big. Their whole life was divided between hope for Allah’s mercy and fear of His punishment. Only Islam, unlike any other faith, is able to strike such a perfect balance between the two.
The Source of their Struggle and Patience: They had already known that life, with all its pains, was worthless when compared with the Hereafter. Such deep convictions brought about in them a sense of indifference to all troubles and hardships that attended their life for the sake of Islam.
Examples of Umar and Hassan Al-Basri (may Allah be pleased with them):
  • A concrete interpretation of this verse is given by Caliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with him). Although he served Allah in a way that was exemplary, yet he was so afraid of accountability to Him, as he once said, "I shall consider it a favor (from Allah), if I am neither rewarded or punished in the Hereafter."
  • Hassan Al-Basri (may Allah have mercy on him) once said, "A believer obeys Allah and is yet fearful of Him, whereas a hypocrite disobeys Allah and is still fearless of Him!" How ironic it is.....
[Compiled from "The Sealed Nectar" by Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri and "Towards Understanding the Quran" by S. Abul Ala Maududi]
continued from issue # 103....
Yes, it's a cliché to say that Muslims have too many doctors and engineers and not enough writers. But this needs to be said over and over because it seems we've made little headway as an Ummah in this area. English is the lingua franca of the world, and unless Muslims develop their skills and talents in the field of writing and communication in this language, we will have lost a tremendous Dawa opportunity.
[Taken from www.SoundVision.com]
> Valentine's Day: A Muslim View <
Chocolates, flowers, hearts, cards, and romance: these are the ingredients that make up the annual celebration of Valentine's Day every February 14. On the surface, these are lovely things. But in reality, the occasion promotes the culture of free sex and male-female relations from a specific point of view.
Although Valentine's Day is supposed to be a celebration in honor of St. Valentine, who was killed because of his opposition to free sex, its origins and its adoption by Christians as a holiday is really a dishonor to this saint's memory. Islamic scholar Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick (now in South Africa) explains the pagan origins of the day in the video Holiday Myths, produced by www.SoundVision.com.
With Valentine’s Day coming up on February 14, men and women around the world (this is no longer just a European or American custom), will be shelling out millions to buy heart-shaped boxes of chocolate, brightly decorated cards, flowers and various other Valentine’s Day paraphernalia for their loved ones. They will also, as is customary, make public displays of romance and affection to their loved ones. We see lots of kissing, hugging, gift-giving etc. especially between members of the opposite sex.
In contrast, look at Muslims and Muslim societies. How often do you see couples doing the same in public? How often do you see Muslim men hugging their kids or kissing them? Muslims look like real sourpusses in comparison. But is Islam anti-affection? Does Islam condemn public displays of affection?
Showing affection and giving gifts are part of Islamic culture. Giving gifts, showing affection, neither of these things are un-Islamic. When it comes to giving gifts, let’s not forget this: "Exchange presents with one another, for they remove ill feelings from the hearts," said the Prophet (peace be upon him) in a Hadith in At-Tirmidhi.
What about Public Display of Affection between spouses?
Love is beautiful. According to Islam, it's not a cheap thing on display. It is a private thing in most cultures of the world unless it is love towards children. But what about showing affection between spouses amongst Muslims? This is where many complain, Muslims are way too conservative. Some newlywed Muslim couples, especially, meet with the disapproval of parents or in-laws by showing affection, even in front of family members. But other Muslims choose this way.
"No PDA," one Muslim sister in America once warned her husband, who was then her fiancé (PDA stands for Public Display of Affection). Affection between spouses is something which is usually reserved for the privacy of the home.
The Prophet's Sunnah with regards to his wives
The one most perfect in his faith is he whose conduct is best and the best amongst you is he who behaves best towards his spouse. (Hadith). The Prophet would race and watch with his wife a public theater presentation but would not hug or kiss her in public.
Love does not equal physical affection always
As well, one thing that also has to be stressed is that not showing physical affection publicly does not indicate a lack of love for another person. While kissing and hugging our parents, kids, siblings or spouses does indicate love, not doing so all of the time does not necessarily indicate otherwise.
People are different, and Islam is a religion of moderation. It accommodates the very affectionate and the non-affectionate. While it encourages affection amongst family members and friends, for instance, it gives us the guidelines to know what is appropriate and what is not.
Finally, if you're under the illusion that this is an adult celebration, think again. Kids in public schools are indoctrinated into certain cultural expectations about male-female behavior and peer acceptance -through Valentine's Day. Don't let this February 14 pass without a greater awareness of the story behind those lovely chocolates, cards, and flowers. There's more to it than meets the eye!
[To read more on the Origins of Valentine's Day and tips on dealing with Valentine in schools, please visit: http://soundvision.com/valentine/overview.shtml ]
15 Points on the Wisdom of Prohibition of Alcohol
Following is a list of reasons and wisdom behind the prohibition of drinking alcohol in Islam:
7- Those who drink alcohol are considered by Islam to be similar to those who worship idols, which is also totally prohibited in Islam.
8- When a person consumes alcohol he or she is not considered to be a believer.
9- Alcohol is the mother of all evils in the society. As the Prophet (peace be upon him) once said, "Alcoholic beverages are the mother of abomination and filth." In another Hadith, reported by the same authority, he said, "Liquor is the mother of many evils and it is the most shameful of all evils; anyone who drinks liquor will neglect the prayer, and may commit incestuous offense."
To be continued in the next issue....
[Compiled from "The Adolescent Life" by Dr. Ahmad Sakr]