


From Issue: 191 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Maryam (Mary)
Chapter 19: Verse 59

They were succeeded by a people who neglected the Prayers and pursued their lusts. They shall presently meet with their doom.


The corruption in a nation which originally follows a Prophet begins the moment that nation abandons Prayer. In fact, negligence and abandoning Prayer are the very first step in a people's slide towards their decline. For Prayer is the primary link between man and God. Prayer keeps a person constantly in touch with God, during all hours of the day and night. Prayer prevents a person from moving away from a life of devotion, worship and obedience of Him. As soon as this bond is broken, man increasingly begins to draw away from God. This may even happen to such extent that not only is man's relationship with God reduced to naught on a practical level but also on an intellectual level.

Following one's lusts and desires rather than truth and justice naturally results from the weakening of one's God-consciousness. When a person becomes heedless of God and abandons Prayer, he comes increasingly into the grip of his own carnal desires. Eventually, he becomes defiant to all of God's commands despite the fact that these had earlier shaped his morality and conduct. Instead, bit by bit, he begins to follow, all those ways which conform to his own likes and dislikes.

[compiled from "Towards Understanding the Quran" by Sayyid Abul Ala Mawdudi, Vol 5, pp. 165-166]

Understanding the Prophet's Life

Fasting in Shaban

Ayesha said: "I never saw the Messenger of Allaah fast a complete month except for Ramadan, and I have never seen him fast more in a month than he did in Shaban." [Bukhaari, Muslim]

Usamah ibn Zaid inquired: "O Messenger of Allaah, I never find you fasting in any month like you do during the month of Shaban." The Prophet responded: "That is the month the people neglect. It comes between Rajab and Ramadan. It is a month in which the deeds are raised to the Lord of the Worlds. I love that my deeds be raised while I am fasting." [An-Nasaa'i, authenticated by ibn Khuzaimah. Hasan according to al-Albaani]

Narrated Abu Hurairah, Allaah's Messenger said: "When the month of Shaban is halfway, do not fast." [Reported by the five, Ahmad disapporoved it].

As-San`aanee says in Subul us-Salaam: "One can fast provided he has to observe a compensatory fasting (in lieu of the Fard - obligatory ones) or the other prescribed ones which may be categorised as Wajib (compulsory). However, the volitional fasting is prohibited lest one should be subjected to exhaustion and weakness that may in turn render the Ramadan obligatory fasting difficult for him."

[taken from Islaam.com]

Message for Successful Living

[Based on the advices given by Ustadh Khurram Murad, may Allah have mercy on his soul, to his family in his last will.]

Fulfil Your Obligations

Move beyond the concern of merely not violating the rights of others; concern yourselves with how you can fulfil your obligations towards them. To start with, avoid hurting others, but don’t stop at that. Be benevolent to them, serve them, and fulfil their needs.

You cannot even imagine the rewards brought forth by god deeds that are apparently insignificant: helping someone board a vehicle, removing an obstacle from the road, helping in a chore like drawing water from the well, lending someone an item of daily use, looking at someone with a smile, treating someone with respect, striving to help a Muslim – all these acts are superior even to such meritorious acts as itikaf (confining oneself within a mosque for total religious devotion during the last ten days of Ramadan) in the Prophet’s Mosque.

As long as you are busy helping someone in the fulfilment of his needs, or serving a fellow human being, Allah will also keep meeting your needs and helping you. For your acts that alleviate the sufferings of others in this world, Allah shall remove your suffering on the Day of Judgement. If you cover someone else’s shortcomings, Allah will cover your failings on the Last Day. If you feed a hungry man or tend to the sick, you shall encounter Allah there, right beside him.

[compiled from "Dying and Living for Allah" by Ustadh Khurram Murad, p. 50]

Planning for Ramadan

The blessed month of Ramadan is less than 30 days away. We need to plan ahead to reap the benefits of the month. Here are some links that will insha Allah help you plan for this Ramadan.