


From Issue: 217 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Al-Ankabut (The Spider)
Chapter 29: Verses 50-51

And they say, “Why are not miracles sent down to him from his Lord?" Say: "The signs are only with Allah, and I am only a plain warner." Is it not a sufficient (miracle) for them that we have sent down to you the Book which is recited to them? Verily, herein is a mercy and a reminder for the people who believe.


The Quran is the miracle of the Prophet (Peace be upon him). He was given this miracle as the ultimate proof of his prophethood.

Every Prophet Was Given Miracles

The Prophet also alluded to the status of the Quran when he said, “There has not been a single prophet except that Allah gave him miracles because of which people believed him. I have been given (as my miracle) the Inspiration (i.e. the Qur’an) which Allah revealed to me.”

Quran: A Permanent Miracle

There are many narrations regarding other miracles of the Prophet. But all of these miracles were constrained by the time and place of the miracle. These miracles of a surety occurred, but the effect that these miracles had on those who saw them is much greater than the impact that it will have on later generations who merely read about them. The Quran, on the other hand, is a permanent miracle for all generations after the Prophet to see(read) and appreciate, no matter where they live, or what time frame they are born in. It would never gets out-dated.

Miracle of the Quran

To describe the effect it has on those who understand it, one may narrate the story of al-Waleed ibn al-Mugheerah, a highly esteemed poet of Makkah at the time of the Prophet. He once passed by the Prophet and heard him reciting the Qur’an. Thereafter he had the following to say to his nephew Aboo Jahl (one of the worst enemies of Islam).

“And what can I say? For I swear by Allah, there is none amongst you who know poetry as well as I do, nor can any compete with me in composition or rhetoric – not even in the poetry of Jinns! And yet, I swear by Allah, Muhammad’s speech (meaning the Qur’an) does not bear similarity to anything I know, and what he recites is very sweet, and is adorned with beauty and charm. Its first part is fruitful and its last part is abundant (i.e. it is full of deep meanings), and it conquers (all other speech) and it remains unconquered! It shatters and destroys all that has come before it (of poetry, because of its eloquence)!”

[Adapted from “An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur’an” by Yasir Qadhi, pp. 264, 265, 269]

Generation X Parenting

Taking Care of Females

If it was not for the commands of Allah, stated in the Qur’an, and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), women would not have been given the preference over men. Allah's Prophet was reported as saying: “Be fair and just in terms of the gifts you offer your children. If I was to give preference to any (gender over the other) I would have preferred females over males (in terms of gifts).”[Bayhaqi]

Moreover, Allah's Prophet concentrated throughout his teachings on giving more care and attention to females in general over the male. Females must be treated with kindness, respect, honour, dignity, integrity and their needs must be looked after. Allah's Prophet said: “He whosoever has three daughters, or three sisters, or two daughters or two sisters, and is very kind to them, demonstrating nice company to them and fears Allah in their treatment, will enter Paradise (as a result of his good actions to these females).” [Abu Dawood & Tirmidhi]

Islamic laws and teachings mandate that parents raise their children in the best manners and offer them a sound, beneficial and healthy education. Ibn Omar (may Allah be pleased with him), reported Allah's Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as saying: “The most sinful of you are those who neglect those whom he is responsible to take care of.” [Abu Dawood & Nasaiee]

[Adapted from "Woman In the Shade of Islam" by Abdul Rahman al-Sheha, pp. 33-34]

The World Today

This is the conclusion of the series from the book "Building a New Society"

Islamic World-View

The underlying reason for the current unfortunate state of affairs is that humanity has adopted extreme world views (materialism or similar ideologies on the one extreme, or pseudo-spiritualistic and monastic tendencies on the other), and the ideologies emerging from them, but which are not compatible with our human nature.

Islam teaches that human beings did not come to the world through accident, but through design. The world is an opportunity and a trial; humans, therefore, have a purpose and responsibility.

Islam advocates balance and integration between the spiritual and material, individualism and collectivism, and between rights, duties and responsibilities. Humans are made out of a body and soul, and both of these require nourishment in order to bring about peace and tranquility in human personality. Spiritual upliftment is not possible by discarding the body and our material needs. In fact, effective spiritual development according to Islamic guidance should generate a force for positive social change. Allama Iqbal has so elegantly stated: "Political action is the expression of Islam's spirituality."

[Compiled from "Building a New Society", by Zahid Parvez, pp. 84, 85]