


From Issue: 223 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Al-Baqara (The Cow)
Chapter 2: Verse 207

"And of men is he who would give himself away to seek the pleasure of Allah..."

Without such spirit, even the most religious of acts - prayers, reciting the Quran, martyrdom, and infaq (spending in the way of Allah) - would all be merely worldly acts. Imbued with this spirit of total dedication, even the smallest religious act, and all acts of worldly life, would stand heavy in the scale of Divine Justice.

If you are able to achieve this state of sincerity, even a little effort would suffice in imparting the colour of Allah in your life and soul. All the evils of the world - in men's souls, in their lives, in their mutual relationships - have their roots in lack of sincerity. Lack of sincerity in matters pertaining to religious activities specially leads to very evil effects.

Designate your niyyah (intent) purely for Allah and strive always to keep it so. This brief and simple prescription is the gist of true religious faith and of the desire to shape your life completely according to that mould. It is also the most effective formula to remember Allah at all times. This is the perpetual dhikr (remembrance), one that suffices for all occasions.

"Dying and Living for Allah" - Khurram Murad, pp. 37-38

Understanding the Prophet's Life

Your Wealth Are For Your Father

A man came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and said: 'O Messenger of Allah, I have wealth and children, and my father wants to take all of my wealth.' The Prophet said, 'You and your wealth are for your father. Your children are among your best earnings, so take from what your children earn.'
(Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah)

Imam al-Khattabi commented: "He wants to take all my wealth means that he wanted to take it all and leave nothing. It appears that the reason why the man asked this question was that he was having to spend on his father, and the amount required would consume all of his wealth, not just what he had to spare. The Prophet did not give him the permission to stop spending on his father, but told him, 'You and your wealth are for your father,' which means that if your father needed all of your wealth, he will take as much as he needs, as if he were taking from his own wealth. If you do not have any accumulated wealth, but you have an income, you should earn money and spend it on him."

"The Ideal Muslim" - Dr. Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi, pp. 57

Words of Wisdom

Advising the torturer

Following is an excerpt of a conversation that took place between torturer Shams Bardan and jailed Zainab Al-Ghazali:

'Zainab. You woman! I want you to answer every question I ask or else! Suppose that the Ikhwan are ruling the country and that we are standing in front of you for trial, what would you do to us?'

'We don't dwell in the venues of those who have committed injustices against themselves, nor do we sully our hands with what they have sullied theirs with. We don't immerse our hands in blood. We do not sit in the seats of the despots of the earth!'

'Shut up! I asked you a question: If you were sitting where I am now, what would you do with me?'

'We are seekers of truth and leaders of a way of life, we are not contemplating taking over power. We are holders of the banner of "there is no god but Allah" that we give our wealth and lives for (Allah has purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is Paradise ... Al-Quran 9:111).

'Shut up you B .....! I repeat, what would you have done to us had you taken over power?'

'We are not seekers of power, and we are not bothered whether we are at the top of responsibility or its bottom. We are guardians of the way that leads to the man who carries the trust and is elected by the Ummah, as Allah's bondsman who rules by Allah's revelation, so that this abode becomes and abode of Islamic Renaissance.'

'Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I want one single answer: Had you been sitting in the chair I am sitting now, what would you have done with me as the accused in front of you?'

'It will, probably, take many generations before Islam rules. We don't anticipate the phases. And when Islam rules, women's position will be at its proper place whereby they can educate the men of this Ummah.'

'You B .....! Just suppose hypothetically that you are sitting in my place, what would you do with me?'

'Islam is justice, light and mercy. In Islam there are no whips, no killings, no torture, prisons, expulsions, burying of people alive, nor tearing bodies apart. There is no displacement of children, widowing of women, pharaohs or idol-worship. In Islam, there is nothing but truth and justice, a word is confronted with a word and an argument with an argument.'

'Safwat, suspend her in the air and flog her!' ....

"Return of the Pharaoh" - Zainab Al-Ghazali, p. 132-134