


From Issue: 226 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Al-Baqara (The Cattle)
Chapter 2: Verse 152

A Life of Remembrance
"Remember Me and I shall remember you. Be grateful unto Me and deny Me not."

Can you imagine a more gratifying state than this, where when you remember Allah, the Creator, Sustainer and Lord of the Universe, He remembers you in return? Those who remember Allah standing, sitting and reclining and who reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth are highly commended in the Noble Quran. They are wise in that they fill their hearts with the remembrance of God in every, moment, in every circumstance and in every posture of their lives. [Al-Imran 3: 191]

The significance of dhikr (remembrance) lies in the fact that it is God’s own chosen and recommended mode by which the muminun or Believers show gratitude for having been shown the straight path. Remember Allah, for He has guided you. [al-Baqara 2:198]

In addition, it is indeed the surest way of attaining God’s forgiveness and achieving the ultimate reward of Paradise. And men who remember God much and women who remember – God has prepared for them forgiveness and a vast reward." [al-Ahzab 33:35]

The purpose of tazkiya (self-development) is to ensure that the heart never falls into a sorry state of being and that it is always alive with the remembrance of God. Prosperous indeed is the one who purifies himself and remembers the name of his Guardian-Lord and prays [unto Him].” [al-Ala 87:14-15] Therefore, it is dhikr that purifies your heart and makes it sound.

The exhortation to remember Allah at all times is a reflection of Allah's all-embracing and overwhelming love for us. The door to Allah is always open to us: Remember Me and I will remember you. We need only find our way to and through that door. Strive then, to fill all your moments, all your thoughts and all your actions with Allah’s remembrance.

"In the Early Hours" - Khurram Murad, pp. 21-25

Understanding the Prophet's Life

Gradual Change

Changing people is not a simple task. Individuals become set in their beliefs and attitudes, and dominant practices, customs and traditions become part of their life. To change these will require hard work and a great deal of patience. Therefore, keeping human nature in mind, all the noble Prophets of Allah worked according to the set priorities of Islam and introduced change gradually so that it could become firm in people's hearts and minds ...

If it rushes in, it could have a negative impact on the person or society that is being changed.

"The religion of Islam is a lenient one - so go into it with ease and patience. No one who attempts to storm his way into it will come out victorious." (Bukhari)

"Buillding a New Society" - Zahid Parvez, p. 163

Words of Wisdom

Desire of The Sinners

Uthman ibn Affan, may God be pleased with him, said:
"The adultress would like it if all women committed adultery or fornication."

The reason is either:

  • that such people resent anyone standing out from them as a good example, or
  • that they are envious of her superiority and the praise she may attract, or
  • it may be that they do not want to give her a pretext to use against them.
"Public Duties in Islam" - Ibn Taymiya, p. 100