


From Issue: 249 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Al-Nisa (The Women)
Chapter 4: Verse 134

The Dispenser of Good
He who desires the reward of this world, let him know that with Allah is the reward of this world and also of the World to Come. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.

God alone has the power to dispense the good of this world as well as that of the Hereafter, to lavish transient benefits as well as abiding felicity. It all depends on a man's nature and the extent of his ambition what kind of benefit he seeks from God. If a man is infatuated with the fleeting benefits of this world, and is prepared to sacrifice the benefits of the everlasting life, then God will grant him only the good of this world and he will have no share in the good of the Hereafter.

God's benevolence is like a river which never dries up, a rive which is both capable of, and geared to, providing abundant water to all who need their tillage watered. It is short sighted and unambitious to want one's fields to be irrigated only once, and to be prepared thereafter to face the prospect of eternal drought. Anyone with breadth of vision would commit himself to submit to God and obey Him, thereby earning the well-being of both worlds.

God is fully aware of the actions of His creatures, and is unlike those negligent sovereigns who are blind in lavishing their favours. God governs the universe with full knowledge and awareness. He has an eye on the capacities and ambitions of all human beings and knows their qualities exactly. He is fully aware of the purposes to which people devote their efforts and energies. Anyone who wilfully decides to be disobedient to God should therefore not cherish hopes of receiving the favours reserved for those who obey Him.

"Towards Understanding the Quran" - By Sayyid Abul Ala Mawdudi, Vol 2, pp. 93-94

Understanding the Prophet's Life

Being Transparent

It was narrated by the mother of the faithful Safyah, may Allah be pleased with her, who said, "When the Prophet, peace be upon him, was in Itikaf, I went to visit him at night. After we chatted, he walked me back. Two of the Ansar were passing by. When they saw the Prophet, peace be upon him, they rushed away. He said, 'Do not rush, she is Safyah Bint Hoyay'."

They said, "Subhan Allah, O Prophet of Allah (indicating that they are not suspecting any thing wrong with the Prophet.) He said, "The Shaytan is as close to the son of Adam as if he is running in his blood. I was concerned that he would instill some evil thoughts in your minds." [Agreed Upon]

The above incident is a clear indication that the Prophet made sure that those two companions understood that she was his wife. He didn't want their thoughts to wonder and come up with the wrong conclusion. This indicates how important to be transparent and make sure that others perceive your actions correctly, particularly when it is related to interaction with members of the opposite gender.

"Blissful Marriage " - By Dr. Ekram and M. Rida Beshir, pp. 127-128


You know You are a Victim of Peer Pressure when….

Most teenagers fall into flirting, clubbing, smoking, cursing, cheating, stealing, bullying, gambling, drinking, drugs, pornography and other immoral practices due to negative peer pressure. You know you are a victim of this pressure when you:

  • are curious to try something new because "everyone's doing it";
  • want to be liked, to fit in, to look cool;
  • worry that others will think you are weird or a coward if you resist;
  • say and do things in the group which you would not do on your own;
  • wish your parents should stay out of your ‘social life’;
  • do something without questioning the outcome.

"Cool or Fool? Choosing The Right Friends" - Soon to be published Young Muslims Publication