


From Issue: 269 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Al-Rad (Thunder)
Chapter 13: Verse 22

Islamic Patience!
"Those who remain patient only to seek the countenance of their Lord.”

Even the most persistent people realize that there is a limit to the endurance and patience based on faith in gods other than God and which are rooted in materialism, which is exhibited for worldly ends. Beyond that limit they are not prepared to go. But patience which is firmly rooted in Tawhid and which is dedicated, not to worldly pursuits, but to God, the Lord of the worlds, is far stronger and enduring. It becomes a treasure-house of strength which all the world’s difficulties combined are not able to exhaust.

The ability of one who does not surrender himself to God to be patient is limited. Although he may be able to withstand bombs and bullets with absolute steadfastness, he may not be able to resist the stirrings of carnal appetite when he is confronted with an opportunity to satisfy his lusts.

By contrast, Islam insists on patience (and patience of a high order) throughout man’s entire life and develops in him the ability to face not only dangers, trials and difficulties, but onslaughts of greed, fear, suspicion and desire. In short, Islam makes the whole life of a Believer a life of patience and perseverance (sabr).

Such a person does not yield to evil in thought or deed, no matter how pleasing the prospects and how tempting the invitations. Abstaining from evil and practicing goodness and virtue throughout one’s life for the sake of consequences in the Hereafter constitute what is called Islamic patience. Patience may and does express itself on a limited scale in the lives of disbelievers. But its complete expression takes place only when one is committed to God alone.

The Islamic Movement: Dynamics of Values Power and Change” - by Sayyid Abul Ala Mawdudi, p. 98

Understanding the Prophet's Life

Putting heart into reciting the Quran

An essential point related to the Quran that is, at least in practice, sometimes forgotten by many Muslims is that the Quran is not meant just to be read or memorized. But, instead, it is meant to be pondered over, studied and understood. Without this effort, one will not be able to derive its guidance and thereby worship Allah in the proper manner.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has said, “Recite the Quran as long as your hearts are inclined to it. When they differ from it, then get up [and remove yourselves] from [reciting] it.” (Recorded by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

Ibn Katheer has stated that in this hadith, the Messenger of Allah has instructed this Nation to recite the Quran as long as their hearts are attune to the recitation, thinking and pondering over its meaning. They are not to be reciting it while they are preoccupied or bored with its reading. In those cases, they will not be achieving the goal of its reading. Hence, they should discontinue under conditions like that.

Purification of the Soul” - by Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo, pp. 304, 305

Cool Bits!

Revival of the Role of Masjids

The masjid is an important social and religious institution in the lives of Muslims. Re-vitalising the masjids is an essential requisite for producing a God-conscious and moral community. In fact, masjids were intended to be centres of community life, and through the centuries they have played a key role in reviving people, nurturing active citizens, and assisting the spiritual, moral and social development of Muslim communities. During the early days when Islam was established in its full glory, planning, preparation, and the co-ordination of efforts for social improvement and development also took place in masjids. Moreover, they assist in breaking down social barriers and hierarchies, since all people, rich and poor, black and white, scholars and illiterates, all come together to worship their Lord and Creator, and, hence, meet and interact with each other. Furthermore, masjids can be quite effective for the dissemination of ideas, news and information.

"Building A New Society" - by Zahid Parvez, pp. 241, 242