


From Issue: 270 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Al-Araf (The Heights)
Chapter 7: Verse 37

To Testify Against Oneself
"Who is more wicked than one who invents lies about God or denies His revelations? These shall have whatever has been decreed to be their lot [in life]. When Our messengers come to carry off their souls, they will say: 'Where, now, are those whom you used to invoke besides God?' They will reply: 'They have forsaken us!' Thus, they will bear witness against themselves that they had been unbelievers.”

This is a scene of death as it overwhelms those who fabricate claims against God, alleging that their inherited concepts and philosophies and the traditions and laws they enact for themselves have been sanctioned by God. Such people deny God's revelations when they are conveyed to them by His Messengers although these contain a perfect divine code. Thus, they prefer their suspect, unconfirmed knowledge to the confirmed truth of God's revelations.

The angels come to gather their souls and cause them to die, at which point the angels ask them: what happened to the fabricated claims you used to emphasize? Where are the gods you invoked and worshipped, which caused you to turn away from the truth conveyed to you by God's messengers? Where are they now at this very critical point in time when your lives have come to an end, and you find no one to give you an extra hour beyond the deadline appointed to you by God?

They have only one answer to make. It is a clear, unambiguous and factual answer: They have simply gone away, far away. We do not know where they are, nor do they have a clear way of returning to us. Lost indeed are those whose gods cannot find them or who cannot help them in their hour of need. Worthless are the gods who know no way to reach their servants when they need them the most. Their reply them was a clear acknowledgement of being in the wrong.

"In The Shade of The Quran" - Sayyid Qutb, Vol 6, pp. 90, 91

Understanding the Prophet's Life

Ask of Allah Only

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "If you ask, ask of Allah"
[Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Abbas. Recorded by Al-Tirmidhi]

The important point for the Muslim is to realize that Allah and Allah alone is able to truly grant his needs. Therefore, he should turn only to Allah and realize that, even if Allah uses other humans to meet his needs, the one who truly fulfilled his needs is Allah.

It is recorded in Sahih Muslim that the Prophet took an oath from a number of Companions, such as Abu Bakr, Abu Dharr and Thaubaan, that they would never ask for anything from anyone. If any of these Companions dropped their sticks or their camel reins, they would never ask anyone to pick it up for them but would get it themselves.

However, people are often in situations where they need to seek assistance from others. Therefore, it is important to recognize that there are two types of asking from other humans. One type is forbidden. As for the second type, it is still best for one not to ask of any other human.

1. The type that is completely forbidden is to ask of another human what is typically not within the ability of a human being. This would include asking them for guidance, asking from them things related to the unseen and unknowable, or praying to people who are dead and in their graves.

2. The second type is where people ask of each other what is normally with the ability of a human being. This is the kind of mutual assistance and help that takes place all the time among mankind. However, even when turning to other humans for this permissible type of request, one should realize that the request will only be satisfied by them if Allah guides them to that decision.

"Commentary on the Forty Hadith" - By Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo, pp. 748-752

Cool Bits!

Following is an excerpt from the conversation that took place between Said Ibn Jubayr and one of his students before Said was arrested and later on executed by Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf

Are We On Truth?

Umayr (a student)
Will Truth remain with its wings broken? Its propagators are killed and its people and helpers are tortured? Whereas Falsehood is proud of its numbers and preparations, shedding blood, taking wealth and sacred things, and in whatever they want and there is none to stop them or oppose them. Are we not on Truth and those oppressors on Falsehood?

May your mother be bereaved of you, O Umayr! Are you in any doubt regarding this? By Allah if they cut us piece by piece so that the birds eat us and we are in the stomachs of the sharks, we will not doubt that we are on Truth and they are on Falsehood.

Then how is it that they are winning and we are losing after losing?

No, not quite like that. We will truly lose the day we doubt the Truth we are inviting others to or believe in the Falsehood they are upon. If an isolated person is steadfast on Truth in the face of Falsehood, he has truly won, even though in the eyes of the others he may be a loser. Shall I give you an example?

The most vivid example in our history is the hijrah (migration) of the Messenger of Allah: The day when he was forced out of his homeland and took refuge in the heart of Cave Mu'tam. I wonder what you thought of this situation. Do you think he was defeated or was he victorious?

"The Scholar and The Tyrant" - by Yusuf Al Qaradawi, pp. 19, 20