


From Issue: 274 [Read full issue]

Living the Quran

Al-Buruj (The Constellations)
Chapter 85: Verses 12-15

All-Engulfing Flood
"Verily, Your Lord's grip is exceedingly strong! Behold, it is He who created in the first instance, and He it is who will bring forth anew. And He alone is Truly-Forgiving, All-Embracing in His love, in sublime almightiness enthroned."

There are places and ways of worship for each of the various religions. Islam, however teaches that worship is exclusively for the One, true God, that succour is to be sought from the One God, and that the ultimate return of all creation is unto the same One God. The Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace, was the finest person ever to acquaint mankind with the One God, to evoke in them love for Him, and to impart to them the knowledge that their Lord is more merciful to them than a parent to its child, and more caring than the most intimate companion.

Islamic way of instruction is to combine attributes of awesomeness and attraction. In fact, man cannot do without this combination. The world is full of Pharaohs seduced into tyranny through the exercise of power, beggars in need of aid, and people gone astray in search of guidance. In the above Quranic verses there is something for each group.

Those aspects of the mission of Muhammad which evoke love for the Almighty, and establish within the hearts of men love for one another are as an all-engulfing flood, unparalleled in history.

When a problem confronts us, and we are unable to decide how to resolve it, should we not turn to our Lord? Ask Him to set us in the right direction? After all, no one can be closer to us than He is. So why do we ignore Him?

Remembrance & Prayer” - By Muhammad Al-Ghazali, pp. 122-123

Understanding the Prophet's Life

Obedience to Allah in Times of Turmoil

Ma`qil bin Yasar (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, "The reward of worship performed at a time of trials is equal in reward to an emigration to me.'' [Muslim].

When turmoil is rampant and society is plagued with evils, the worship and obedience of Allah becomes very difficult. The reason being that in such a situation evils are widespread and therefore everyone easily inclines to them. In such circumstances, worship of Allah and compliance of His Orders are merits of great eminence and their reward have been likened to the reward of going for Hijrah (Emigration) to Al-Madinah at that time when this migration was Wajib (obligatory). Emigration was at that time obligatory and to bid farewell to home, property, business and homeland was sacrifice of the highest order. But this sacrifice was worth its reward. A similar reward is promised to those who will be obedient to Allah and worship Him in an age of mischief. A believer should avoid taking part in turmoil and occupy himself with the worship of Allah and strive to bring peace instead.

Riyad-us-Saliheen” - by Abu Zakariya Yahya

Cool Facts!

Muslim Conduct In the Second Crusade

Odo de Diogilo, a monk of St. Denis was the private chaplain to King Louis VII during the Second Crusade. In writing about his experiences, the Christian monk commented in some detail about the conduct of his Muslim opponents during this war, specifically noting the manner in which Muslim soldiers treated the surviving Crusaders of the Second Crusade. He noted that the Muslims were moved to pity at the sight of Crusaders' misery, tended the sick, gave money to the poor, and fed the starving. De Diogilo contrasted that aid and comfort with the oppression these Crusaders had received from their Christian co-religionists of the Byzantium Empire. As a result of the Islamic conduct of the Muslims, de Diogilo reported that over 3,000 of the surviving Crusaders converted to Islam and joined the Muslim Army.

"Understanding Islam: A Guide for the Judaeo-Christian Reader" - by Jerald F. Dirks, p. 366