
Cool Tips!


From Issue: 718 [Read full issue]


To achieve the ultimate goal in life requires a sustained determination to do so, a willpower that is forever responsive and strong. In Quranic terminology this is called iradaIrada is basic to all our efforts. Without willing to do something you cannot do anything. Irada is the key to our self and character-development

Irada is very different from desire. You always hear people reflecting upon unfulfilled aspirations. One of the main reasons why aspirations and dreams remain unfulfilled is that they are no more than desires which faded to assume the status of irada. The Quran explains that one of the basic weaknesses in human nature which prevents our self-development is the weakness of will. [Ta Ha 20: 115]

Irada to change your life requires strength and consistency and is indeed the antithesis of doubt or hesitation. Once your irada is firmly in place, then you must have no doubts and you must not hesitate.

Now, what purpose should irada serve? The Quran (Al Isra 17:19) makes it clear that this willpower must be a firm resolve to seek the pleasure of Allah because this is the part of the bargain that you must deliver.

Compiled From:
"In the Early Hours" - Khurram Murad