
Cool Concepts


From Issue: 646 [Read full issue]


The terms nafs (soul, self) is used in the Quran in various, but similar, complementary meanings. First, it means the self a person or a thing. In this meaning, it is also used for God (Quran 3:28, 5:116).

Its second meaning is the substance and essence which is the source of physical life in a human being or the dimension or aspect of the spirit which is the basis of animal and human physical life (Quran 6:93).

In its third meaning, as the basis of the human physical or worldly life, it is the essence or substance which is aware of the needs of life, which demands and tastes pleasures and encourages a person to meet those needs and experience those pleasures. In a sense, it is the substance which incites a person to commit evil (Quran 12:53). It can and must be trained. When trained, it can be elevated from being a substance which commands evils, or being an evil-commanding soul, to the rank of being a soul at rest with faith in and worship of God (Quran 89:27-28).

In its other and most comprehensive meaning, it is human nature or the individual person (Quran 4:1).

Compiled From:
"The Quran: Annotated Interpretation in Modern English" - Ali Unal, pp. 664