


From Issue: 490 [Read full issue]


Denial means we act as if the present is good enough. It is defence against the woundedness of the present and a rejection of any possibility beyond continuous improvement. Our denial of the destruction of the environment is a good example. Denial in this case takes the form of wanting more data or holding the belief that technology is a god that can surmount any obstacle. It often agrees there is a problem, but then trivializes its existence or its cost.

Denial is a defining feature of addiction. In creating the communities we live in, we are addicted to urban centres and rural towns that don't work for all, to a world of large class differences, to a place where we consider people on the margin to not be our brothers and sisters. We are addicted to accepting the illusion of safety that we get from allowing large systems to name the game and define the conversation.

"Community: The Structure of Belonging" - Peter Block, pp. 133-134